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Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science

Hakob Barseghyan, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik

Creative Commons Attribution


  1. I. Chapter 1: Introduction

  2. II. Chapter 2: Absolute Knowledge

  3. III. Chapter 3: Scientific Method

  4. IV. Chapter 4: Mechanism of Scientific Change

  5. V. Chapter 5: Scientific Progress

  6. VI. Chapter 6: Science and Non-Science

  7. VII. Chapter 7: Aristotelian-Medieval Worldview

  8. VIII. Chapter 8: Cartesian Worldview

  9. IX. Chapter 9: Newtonian Worldview

  10. X. Chapter 10: Contemporary Worldview

  11. XI. Chapter 11: Worldviews: Metaphysical Components

Book Information


Hakob Barseghyan, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik


Creative Commons License
Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science by Hakob Barseghyan, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science
Hakob Barseghyan, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik
Paul Patton

Creative Commons License
Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science by Hakob Barseghyan, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.